Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Book Covers

Ideas for book covers from a hypothetical author. Each book deals with a problem or concern I've had with design over the years. The layouts are similar and the idea for the aesthetics of the book series was earth, water and fire


My resume. Needs a lot of work but good beginning

 An idea for my business card that corresponds to the look of both my resume and current portfolio

Project Revamp #4

This was for an independent study project. I was to do the layout for the schools literary journal, Metaphor. Earlier editions had been laid out by people in the english department and lacked organization and readibility.
In a short amount of time I had to create the layout. Although I did not design the cover I did, with the artist permission alter it, changing the font used and adding a few elements to make the design more appealing.

This is one of the inside spreads of the journal. Simplistic in its look, but very clean and legible

I also came up with having a retrospective section in the journal to commemorate the 30th edition. This was the front page of the section using all past edition covers.

So in laying out the journal with impovements to be made on previous editions, I guess you could consider this a project revamp

Project Revamp #3

I decided to work around another band for this project. This band is one of my favorites. Despite having quite an audience base, for the most part they have not had much in the way of merchandise besides CDs and occaisional posters and t-shirts. I thought that I could help them and come up with a box set for their current anthology of music. This was the finished outside cover of the box set

This is the inside of the box set in diagram set up showing the items found inside. The bottle of wine is a favorite of the lead singer which he consumes nearly every concert.

I plan on developing the box set more and approaching the band and presenting my idea to them and see where that goes

Project Revamp #2

From my Muse Lyrical Poster I created earlier I decided to create several different items of collateral. This was an early draft for a tour poster.

This was the finalized version of the tour poster. I like different aspects of each and will use them both in creating future version

With creating the different items I wanted to maintain certain elements throughout each. I wanted to incorporate elements of the band's reknowned live performances which involve a lot of light and digital media. This image was created using photography and a 3d model made in Maya.

Eventually adding some more light elements I decided to create a cover for a CD single from the band

Keeping much of the same color scheme and elements I created a variation of the CD single design. This version was more closely associated with the actual song title of the CD

And this was the corresponding poster I created promoting the CD single